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Photo by John-Mark Smith from Pexels


英文原文来自Medium Link: https://medium.com/inc./netflix-avoids-rules-like-the-plague-heres-what-it-does-instead-8da3b3423391 Title: **Netflix Avoids Rules Like the Plague. Here’s What It Does Instead. **


One reason for Netflix’s success: It throws the rulebook out the window [hint] NetFlix成功的原因之一:与众不同 [/hint]


By Justin Bariso

Rules. Most employees hate them. And I bet right now you could name a bunch of stupid rules you’ve encountered in your workplace. [hint] 规则,大多数员工都讨厌它们。我打赌现在你就能说出你在工作中遇到的一堆愚蠢的规则。 [/hint]

But companies need rules to ensure quality and performance, right? [hint] 但是公司需要规则来保证质量和性能,对吗? [/hint]

Not according to Netflix. [hint] 根据Netflix的说法并非如此。 [/hint]

In his new book, Great Leaders Have No Rules, bestselling author Kevin Kruse cites Netflix for its remarkable success over the past two decades. [hint] 畅销书作家凯文 · 克鲁斯(Kevin Kruse)在他的新书《伟大的领导者没有规则》(Great Leaders Have No Rules)中引用了Netflix在过去20年取得的显著成功。 [/hint]

Usually, as companies grow they need rules to protect quality and consistency. But while Netflix has managed to change its business model multiple times (from a DVD delivery company, to a streaming company, to a content creation company), it has maintained a fiercely loyal customer base by doing the opposite: [hint] 通常,随着公司的成长,他们需要规则来保护质量和一致性。然而,尽管Netflix成功的多次改变商业模式(从DVD租赁公司,到流媒体公司,再到内容原创性公司),但是这样的改变却反过来维护了一个极其忠诚的客户群。 [/hint]

Netflix avoids rules like the plague. [hint] Netflix避免了瘟疫一般的规则。 [/hint]

Back in 2009, Netflix released its now famous culture deck, which has now been viewed millions of times. In it, company leaders acknowledged the traditional logic for rules and the short-term benefits they bring. But it goes on to show how over time, a culture that is obsessed with rules and processes drives out high-performing employees. [hint] 早在2009年,Netflix就发布了其著名的文化平台,平台现在已经有了百万次的观看量。在现实面前,公司领导人承认了规则的传统逻辑及其带来的短期利益。但这也表明,随着时间的推移,一种痴迷于规则和流程的文化是如何把高绩效员工赶走的。 [/hint]

“When the market shifts quickly due to new technology, competitors, or business models, rule-driven companies can’t keep up and lose customers to competitors who adapt,” writes Kruse. “In such an environment, slow-moving, rule-oriented companies grind ‘painfully into irrelevance.’” [hint] 克鲁斯写道:“当市场因新技术、竞争对手或商业模式而迅速变化时,以规则为导向的公司无法跟上潮流,从而将客户拱手让给适应新技术的竞争对手,在这样的环境下,行动迟缓、以规则为导向的公司会‘痛苦地变得无关紧要’。” [/hint]

In contrast, Kruse explains, Netflix asserts that a business should focus specifically on two things: [hint] 相反,克鲁斯解释说,Netflix认为,企业应该特别关注两件事: [/hint]

1.Invest in hiring high-performance employees. [hint] 1.投资雇佣高绩效员工。 [/hint]

2.Build and maintain a culture that rewards high performers and weeds out continuous, unimproved low performers. [hint] 2.创建并维护一种奖励高绩效员工的文化,淘汰持续的、没有进步的低效能员工。 [/hint]

The result?

“Netflix leaders believe that responsible people — the people every company wants to hire — are not only worthy of freedom, they thrive on it,” Kruse continues. “Creating an environment where these individuals are not inhibited by myriad rules allows them to become the best version of themselves.” [hint] 结果呢? “Netflix的领导者相信,每个公司都想聘用负责任的人,这样的人不仅值得拥有自由,他们还会因此茁壮成长,”克鲁斯继续说道:“创造一个环境,让这些人不受无数规则的限制,让他们成为最好的自己。” [/hint]

In other words, instead of stifling their employees, Netflix uses emotional intelligence to inspire them. [hint] 换句话说,Netflix没有扼杀员工,而是利用情商来激励员工。 [/hint]

Here are some examples of what this looks like at Netflix: [hint] 以下是Netflix的一些例子: [/hint]

1.Unlimited vacation

Instead of formally tracking vacation days, Netflix allows salaried employees to take as much vacation time as they want, as long as it meets certain guidelines. (Accounting and finance workers are asked to be in the office during the beginning or end of a quarter, for example.) [hint] 1.无限假期 Netflix没有正式追踪假期天数,而是允许受薪员工想休多少假就休多少假,只要符合某些规定。(例如,会计和财务人员被要求在季度开始或结束时到办公室工作。) [/hint] With this policy, the company focuses on work, not hours. [hint] 有了这项政策,公司关注的是工作,而不是时间。 [/hint]

2.No formal travel and expense policy

Rather than submit reports detailing money spent on mileage, meals, hotel rooms, and office supplies, employees are expected to spend money as if it’s their own — and look for opportunities to save when possible. [hint] 2.没有正式的旅行和费用政策 员工不应该把钱花在里程、餐饮、酒店房间和办公用品上,而是应该像自己花钱一样去消费,并在可能的时候寻找省钱的机会。 [/hint]

In fact, the company’s expense policy is five words long: “Act in Netflix’s best interests.” [hint] 事实上,公司的财务政策只有五个词:“为了Netflix的利益最大化而行动。” [/hint]

In the end, it comes down to hiring adults — then requiring adultlike behavior. [hint] 最终,这归结为:雇佣成年人,然后需要成年人的行为。 [/hint]

“Most companies spend endless time and money writing and enforcing HR policies to deal with problems the other 3% might cause,” former Netflix chief talent officer Patty McCord wrote in a piece for HBR. “Instead, we tried really hard to not hire those people, and we let them go if it turned out we’d made a hiring mistake.” [hint] Netflix前首席人才官帕蒂 · 麦考德(Patty McCord)在给《哈佛商业评论》(HBR)撰写的一篇文章中写道:“大多数公司花费无尽的时间和金钱编写和执行人力资源政策,以处理其他3%可能造成的问题。相反,我们非常努力地不雇佣这些人,如果发现我们在招聘上犯了错误,我们就会解雇他们。” [/hint]

By empowering its people, Netflix has managed to continue innovating and increasing its market share — while growing to thousands of employees and generating billions of dollars a year in revenue (from over a hundred million subscribers). [hint] 通过增强员工的能力,Netflix成功地继续创新,提高了市场份额——同时增加到数千名员工,每年创造数十亿美元的收入(来自一亿多用户)。 [/hint]

Get rid of the rules

Kruse reminds readers that rules are just another way to micromanage. They disempower workers and stifle innovation, creativity, and smart risk-taking. They reduce morale and motivation.

[hint] 摆脱规则

克鲁斯提醒读者,规则只是微观管理的另一种方式。它们剥夺了工人的权利,扼杀了创新、创造力和明智的冒险行为。它们会降低士气和动力。 [/hint]

In contrast, the ultimate goal should be that your people make good decisions. “To accomplish that,” writes Kruse, “they must feel ownership of and accountability for those decisions.” [hint] 相反,最终目标应该是你的员工做出正确的决定。“要做到这一点,”克鲁斯写道,“他们必须对这些决定感到所有权和责任。” [/hint]

So, if you want your people to develop, to be accountable and to own their decisions, and to feel empowered at work, throw the rulebook out the window. [hint] 因此,如果你想要你的员工得到发展,对自己的决定负责,并在工作中感觉到权力的存在,那就把规则手册扔到窗外吧。 [/hint]

Instead, follow the Netflix model: [hint] 相反,遵循Netflix的模式: [/hint]

Focus on hiring the best. Set guidelines, not rules. Reward great performance. [hint] 专注于雇佣最优秀的员工。制定方案,而不是规则。奖励高效能。 [/hint]

Do this right, and you’re no longer managing your people. [hint] 做到这些,你就不再需要管理你的员工。 [/hint]

You’re inspiring them. [hint] 你只需鼓舞他们。 [/hint]

-———— Justin Bariso is an author and a consultant who helps organizations think differently and communicate with impact. In 2016, LinkedIn named him the “Top Voice” in “Management and Culture.” His new book, EQ Applied, shares fascinating research, modern examples, and personal stories that illustrate how emotional intelligence works in the real world. Follow him on Twitter @JustinJBariso.

[hint] Justin Bariso是一名作家和顾问,他帮助组织以不同的方式思考,并于影响力进行沟通。2016年,领英将他评为“管理和文化领域的最高影响力”。他的新书《情商应用》分享了有趣的研究成果、现代例子和个人故事,这些都说明了情商在现实世界中的作用。在推特上关注他@JustinJBariso。 [/hint]