本文 首发于 🌱 煎茶转载 请注明 来源

ChatGPT 是一个训练有素的语言模型,由 OpenAI 公司训练而成。目的是帮助回答问题,提供信息和支持,但不具备人类的感知能力,也不会回答所有问题。

以上自我介绍原始内容来自 ChatGPT 回答。

目前已经有人用 ChatGPT 开始水帖、水回答,目前 Stack Overflow 已经暂时屏蔽来自 ChatGPT 的回答。

V2ex,即刻等社交媒体的 ChatGPT 浓度极高,这样一款充满争议性和未来感的 AI,目前处于公测阶段,可以尝试,本文介绍其注册方法。




使用 sms-man 接码,一次几美分,失败可退款重试。

充值有最低值限制,也不浪费,还能用于注册各种平台,如 Apple ID, PayPal 等。

注册充值后,购买一次 OpenAI 的短信接码,之后不断点击接收,若长时间无法接收,则删除重试:

成功后将验证码回填 OpenAI 即可。

对了,这个 OpenAI 登陆时的验证码是区分大小写的:







tl.song: Can you help me implement insertion sort in python

ChatGPR: Yes, I’d be happy to help you implement insertion sort in Python! Here’s an implementation you can use as a starting point:

def insertion_sort(arr):

# Iterate over the array, starting at index 1

for i in range(1, len(arr)):

# Save the value at the current index

current_value = arr[i]

# Iterate backwards over the sorted portion of the array

j = i
while j > 0 and arr[j - 1] > current_value:
# Shift the larger value to the right
arr[j] = arr[j - 1]
j -= 1

# Insert the saved value into the correct position

arr[j] = current_value

return arr

To use this implementation, you can call the insertion_sort function and pass in the array you want to sort. For example:

arr = [5, 1, 4, 2, 8]
sorted_arr = insertion_sort(arr)

# sorted_arr will be [1, 2, 4, 5, 8]

Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that works well for small arrays or partially-sorted arrays, but it is not very efficient for large arrays. It has a time complexity of O(n^2) in the worst case, so it is not suitable for sorting very large arrays.

